Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Solstice Approaching

Tuesday, December 19, 2023
21 degrees, clear skies

I am slowly finding my way back from the shadowy, floating adventure lands of some weird deep-level sinus and ear infection/fluid issues, and seriously grateful to friends who shared helpful ideas for treatment. I am also taking note of the number of people across the country who have had similar health issues recently. No conspiracy theorizing going on, just noting facts. 

This morning, I was able to complete all of my regular morning chores in a regular, timely manner, and that nod to my own weird normal felt good. Hamish continues to grow at exponential rates, probably because he empties all of the kibble bowls after everyone has gone to bed for the night. (or, empties the bowls because he is growing!) This means Cat Breakfast is now an emergency situation every morning and must be dealt with accordingly.

So, cats fed, puppy loved on and out the door to daycare, cat boxes mucked, chickens given scratch and worms (extra protein helps them stay warm in the cold weather), chicken waterer thawed, coop mucked, and then back inside for this chicken tender to take a shower and get dressed.

I hope to spend the day ahead preparing for the Solstice. The first step is to slice oranges to dry in the oven. Once those are started, I will focus on crafting a simple, gentle ritual to celebrate the return of the light. 

It is a curious thing to be holding space for faith, love, and compassion in a time of personal grief while simultaneously moving within the larger and collective grief for the world. I can only say I hope that I can continue to be mindful of holding my balance and letting Love elder Ego. 

This unfinished prayer was written last night. I hope to complete this today, as well.

Mother, keep me mindful…the first line now of every prayer,
Cast upon the ley lines between Earth and Water, Fire and Air.
That I may hold the space between stillness and patience,
So I remember to pause before I respond.
That I may hold to my grounding, deep in the earth,
Keeping my balance, knowing my worth.
That I remain open, and willing to learn.
And see the beauty in darkness as well as in light,
And know when to listen, and know when to fight.

Peace, friends, and m
uch love from Bear Path Cottage.

Image: photo of a long ago Solstice altar

1 comment:

  1. Blessed Solstice to you and all beloved creatures, big and small at the Bear Path.
