Sunday, July 5, 2020

Chamomile and Bears in the Night

I don't know how this came to be but most of my night time visits to the outside of the Cottage take place on the front porch or front steps. From there I can see the night sky, listen to the birds and frogs, watch bats and lightning bugs, and catch up with my husband at the end of the day. It is a peaceful place to be.

Tonight, however, I decided I wanted to be on the ground in the front garden to do a full Moon meditation and ritual. I needed to be solidly connected to the earth so while there was still some light I went and sat in front of the german chamomile plants nearest the northern edge of the garden. I love the sweet, delicate flowers and fragrance of chamomile. I find the aroma of its blooms to be comforting and soothing and I am pleased to have it as part of the Cottage's apothecary.

Darkness came, and I slipped into my meditation with an attitude of gratitude, then performed my ritual. When I was finished I stayed seated on the ground, enjoying being surrounded by my plants, watching the fireflies, and listening to the night sounds.

At one point I heard a scrabbling sound that anyone who lives in bear country or spends time watching bear videos would recognize; it was the sound of a black bear cub moving up or down a tree. I couldn't see anything, but I could tell the sound was coming from the north; from the loblolly pine that grows on the Cottage's northern fence line, or the trees in front of the house
that sits kitty-corner, or the tree in the empty lot across the other way. I continued to sit quietly and listen.

There are many bears in this area, and in this neighborhood we have seen a mother with three cubs of the year, an older and very large male, and several juveniles. We have had them in our gardens several times; they are always just passing through.

I waited another five minutes or so then moved over a few feet to harvest flowers from another chamomile plant. I had the blooms in hand when I heard a different sound and turned to see a little black rump scrambling over a piece of pallet fencing at the top of our orchard not 40 feet away from me. The pallet fences are only four feet wide and two feet tall; little bear could just as easily have walked around the fence as gone over it but bear cubs gotta do what bear cubs gotta do.

I could hear little noises from the momma bear as she moved through the north yard which is a travel path bears frequently use and for which Bear Path Cottage is named. When I was satisfied that she had gone far enough away I stood up to go into the house, but not before giving thanks for such a deeply affirming experience.

What a gift to live and share space with these beautiful and powerful creatures. What a gift to live amidst so much mystery and be given so many answers. What a gift to be a seeker.

Blessed be.