Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Spell of Spring

When I was a small child, I wanted to be a writer. I had a voracious appetite for the written word, for the new worlds and information that came to life in the pages of any book I could put my hands on. I loved the rhythm and flow of words, and I loved the magic they created. Before I even knew I was a witch I understood why making magic was called Spelling; because all the power is in the words.

My mother encouraged me to write. I like to believe that she knows what I am getting up to these days. I like to believe that she would be proud of me.

For years I have worked on my writing in fits and starts, floating pieces on social media, and finally publishing one poem in an anthology, My Wandering Uterus: tales of traveling while female. (Thank you Kate Laity and Byron Ballard for making that wonderous project happen!) I have been encouraged and supported by friends and loved ones, and have tested my voice time and again.

And finally, here I am, with not only time on my hands but desire in my heart. In this here and now, in this time of Spring, the seeds that were planted all those years ago, held in some sacred space inside me, held dear and nurtured and loved; those seeds are finally growing, reaching for the Light.

I hope you will continue to follow my writings as I share them with you From the Bear Path; writings (soon to be) from our new home at Bear Path Cottage.

Peace out, and blessed be.