Friday, February 3, 2023

Imbolc: A Time of Hope and Dreams

Before the sun rose on Imbolc, I reclaimed Brigid's mantle from the slender arms of the hawthorn tree which grows above her altar. Gathering the fabric into both hands, I held it to my face and inhaled the mingled scents of moonlight and fresh dew. It was an intuitive act that linked the peaceful early morning ambiance, the cool texture of the cloth against my skin, and the pleasing smell with the magic of the mantle. I love the very thought of having this gentle healing magic available in my home health kit. 

Later in the day, I took a walk around the Cottage proper, connecting with the comfort and shelter of home after having been out and about in the world for a while. The disquiet I experience when I am away makes it clear that I am not ready to leave my inward focused time behind. Truth be told, I probably never will be. I am okay with that. 

As this day reminds me, Spring is coming. She always does. Whether I stay at home or wander into the world, growth, new birth, renewal, and change will continue to happen all around me and within me. The weight of the world sometimes blurs that hope and reality, but the peaceful magic of  Bear Path Cottage has become a touchstone that helps to clear my vision. 

The daffodils that were gifted to me by a friend last year are already pushing their way out of the ground. The garlic is doing the same thing. And it was cheery and uplifting to see new growth and buds on the apple trees, elderberry, juneberry, and forsythia today. 

I have worked hard over the last four years to build the foundations of this tiny homestead, and it gives me a sense of satisfaction and contentment to see that work paying off. During the upcoming growing season, I will be making some significant changes to the vegetable garden as well as working on the native plants pollinator garden. A recent shift in managing the chickens means they are starting to pay for their own upkeep! I am grateful for their help in that regard. It gives me a good feeling to be able to share the abundance of the Cottage with friends and neighbors. 

Imbolc historically marks the beginning of the lambing season. Although I love them and think they are adorable, there are no lambs at Bear Path Cottage. The pace of garden work is slowly picking up as the weather permits, but in this still-quiet time, I will continue to dream about creating beautiful spaces, growing flowers, and harvesting fruits, berries, and veggies to nourish myself and my family.  My hopes are running high. 

Apple Tree



Juneberry Tree

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